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See Beyond the Numbers

This year, my company turns 20 years old. A moment like this causes one to reflect on their journey, and to ask the important questions. Why did we choose our path? Why do we feel passionate about our work? For me, the question might be, “why data?” I am grateful for my wide experience in my field, with participation on over forty major projects over twenty years, for dozens of customers. I hope I can share a bit of my passion today with this video, to answer the question, “why?” When my brother and I started our company in 2000, we had a sense of wonder about the journey into technology that we were taking. We named our networks and devices after the stars, the planets, and other heavenly bodies; at the time it seemed whimsical but looking back today I can see that we were inspired about not only our future, but the future of all of us on earth. So, Paul, the space shuttle in this video is for you. I took over the company in 2008, as my brother started some cool new ventures unrelated to my work, but I kept the MacKenzie & MacKenzie name for him and the other members of the family that have been involved over the decades. Working with data is truly an awesome experience, It is enlightening when you realize how our recording and analysis of the things around us, in the form of data, can actually give us amazing insights into our world, and ourselves. Data analytics can be an epic experience if you let it take you there. I would like to show my gratitude to all of my customers, staff, and contractors, past and present, for helping to make this a success. Thank you!

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